Fare Guide
Estimated lowest fares found within 7 days
Cheapest Airline
The cheapest airline(s) flying from Murmansk to Hurghada is Aeroflot.
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Cheapest Day of the Week
The cheapest day(s) of the week to fly from Murmansk to Hurghada is Saturday.
Flight Schedules
Last Updated: Sat, 2 Nov, 2024
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How far is Hurghada from Murmansk?
The flight distance between Murmansk and Hurghada is 4637km. Check all available flights on Wego.
When is the earliest and latest flight of the day?
The earliest flight of the day departs at 00:20. The last flight of the day departs at 00:50. See the full list of flight times on Wego.
Popular Destinations from Hurghada
Popular Destinations from Murmansk
Popular Hotels in Hurghada
- Sunrise Mamlouk Palace Resort
- Pickalbatros Citadel Resort Sahl Hasheesh
- Ancient Sands Golf Resort and Residences
- Pickalbatros Blu Spa Resort - Adults Friendly 16 Years Plus- Ultra All-Inclusive
- Movenpick Resort & Spa El Gouna
- Steigenberger ALDAU Beach Hotel
- Pickalbatros White Beach Resort - Hurghada
- Hurghada Long Beach Resort
- Hurghada Marriott Beach Resort
- Meraki Resort -Adults Only-