Guia de tarifas
Estimativa das tarifas mais baixas encontradas no espaço de 7 dias
A companhia aérea mais barata
Companhia(s) aérea(s) mais barata(s) que voam de Sidney para Istambul: Sichuan Airlines.
O mês mais barato
Período da viagem: fevereiro 2025 - janeiro 2026
Mês/meses mais barato(s) para voar de Sidney para Istambul: fevereiro.
fev 2025
mar 2025
abr 2025
mai 2025
jun 2025
jul 2025
ago 2025
set 2025
out 2025
nov 2025
dez 2025
jan 2026
O dia mais barato da semana
Dia(s) da semana mais barato(s) para voar de Sidney para Istambul: Quarta-feira.
Dom Domingo
Seg Segunda-feira
Ter Terça-feira
Qua Quarta-feira
Qui Quinta-feira
Sex Sexta-feira
Sáb Sábado
Horários de Voos
Última atualização: Qui, 2 jan, 2025
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- Mais tarde
Mais cedo
- Mais cedo
- Mais tarde
- Mais cedo
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Companhia Aérea
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11:10 SYD05:45 IST26Hrs, 35m 1 Stop (MNL)
SYDSydney Kingsford Smith Airport 11:10 - IST 05:45 26h 35m 1 Stop (MNL) Manila
SYDSydney Kingsford Smith Airport 11:10MNLManila Ninoy Aquino International Airport 21:35
MNLManila Ninoy Aquino International Airport 16:30ISTIstambul 05:45
- 26h 35m (5h 05m)
- 1 Stop MNL · Manila 5h 05m
Philippine Airlines (PR 212)Airbus Industrie A330 200 Turkish Airlines (TK 85)Airbus A359 -
Philippine Airlines (PR 212) -
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11:40 SYD05:30 IST25Hrs, 50m 1 Stop (CGK)
SYDSydney Kingsford Smith Airport 11:40 - IST 05:30 25h 50m 1 Stop (CGK) Jacarta
SYDSydney Kingsford Smith Airport 11:40CGKJakarta Soekarno-Hatta 21:05
CGKJakarta Soekarno-Hatta 15:30ISTIstambul 05:30
- 25h 50m (5h 35m)
- 1 Stop CGK · Jacarta 5h 35m
Garuda Indonesia (GA 713)Airbus Industrie 330 300 Turkish Airlines (TK 57)Airbus A359 -
Garuda Indonesia (GA 713) -
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11:50 SYD05:30 IST25Hrs, 40m 1 Stop (SGN)
SYDSydney Kingsford Smith Airport 11:50 - IST 05:30 25h 40m 1 Stop (SGN) Cidade de Ho Chi Minh
SYDSydney Kingsford Smith Airport 11:50SGNHo Chi Minh City Airport 22:15
SGNHo Chi Minh City Airport 16:35ISTIstambul 05:30
- 25h 40m (5h 40m)
- 1 Stop SGN · Cidade de Ho Chi Minh 5h 40m
Vietnam Airlines (VN 772)Airbus A359 Turkish Airlines (TK 163)Airbus A359 -
Vietnam Airlines (VN 772) -
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12:10 SYD06:05 IST25Hrs, 55m 1 Stop (KUL)
SYDSydney Kingsford Smith Airport 12:10 - IST 06:05 25h 55m 1 Stop (KUL) Kuala Lumpur
SYDSydney Kingsford Smith Airport 12:10KULKuala Lumpur International Airport 23:45
KULKuala Lumpur International Airport 17:45ISTIstambul 06:05
- 25h 55m (6h)
- 1 Stop KUL · Kuala Lumpur 6h
Malaysia Airlines (MH 122)Airbus Industrie 330 300 Turkish Airlines (TK 61)Boeing 777 300 Er -
Malaysia Airlines (MH 122) -
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12:15 SYD06:15 IST26Hrs, 00m 1 Stop (SIN)
SYDSydney Kingsford Smith Airport 12:15 - IST 06:15 26h 1 Stop (SIN) Singapura
SYDSydney Kingsford Smith Airport 12:15SINCingapura 23:25
SINCingapura 17:35ISTIstambul 06:15
- 26h (5h 50m)
- 1 Stop SIN · Singapura 5h 50m
Singapore Airlines (SQ 232)Airbus Industrie A380 800 Turkish Airlines (TK 55)Boeing 777 300 Er -
Singapore Airlines (SQ 232) -
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12:25 SYD05:35 IST25Hrs, 10m 1 Stop (HND)
SYDSydney Kingsford Smith Airport 12:25 - IST 05:35 25h 10m 1 Stop (HND) Tóquio
SYDSydney Kingsford Smith Airport 12:25HNDTóquio Haneda 21:45
HNDTóquio Haneda 20:15ISTIstambul 05:35
- 25h 10m (1h 30m)
- 1 Stop HND · Tóquio 1h 30m
All Nippon Airways (NH 890)Boeing 787 9 Turkish Airlines (TK 199)Boeing 777 300 Er -
All Nippon Airways (NH 890) -
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15:50 SYD06:05 IST22Hrs, 15m 1 Stop (BKK)
SYDSydney Kingsford Smith Airport 15:50 - IST 06:05 22h 15m 1 Stop (BKK) Banguecoque
SYDSydney Kingsford Smith Airport 15:50BKKBangkok Suvarnabhumi International Airport 22:50
BKKBangkok Suvarnabhumi International Airport 21:15ISTIstambul 06:05
- 22h 15m (1h 35m)
- 1 Stop BKK · Banguecoque 1h 35m
Thai Airways (TG 472)Airbus A359 Turkish Airlines (TK 69)Airbus Industrie 330 300 -
Thai Airways (TG 472) -
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15:50 SYD06:05 IST22Hrs, 15m 1 Stop (BKK)
SYDSydney Kingsford Smith Airport 15:50 - IST 06:05 22h 15m 1 Stop (BKK) Banguecoque
SYDSydney Kingsford Smith Airport 15:50BKKBangkok Suvarnabhumi International Airport 23:45
BKKBangkok Suvarnabhumi International Airport 21:15ISTIstambul 06:05
- 22h 15m (2h 30m)
- 1 Stop BKK · Banguecoque 2h 30m
Thai Airways (TG 472)Airbus A359 Thai Airways (TG 900)Airbus A359 -
Thai Airways (TG 472) -
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16:10 SYD06:15 IST22Hrs, 05m 1 Stop (SIN)
SYDSydney Kingsford Smith Airport 16:10 - IST 06:15 22h 05m 1 Stop (SIN) Singapura
SYDSydney Kingsford Smith Airport 16:10SINCingapura 23:25
SINCingapura 21:20ISTIstambul 06:15
- 22h 05m (2h 05m)
- 1 Stop SIN · Singapura 2h 05m
Singapore Airlines (SQ 222)Airbus Industrie A380 800 Turkish Airlines (TK 55)Boeing 777 300 Er -
Singapore Airlines (SQ 222) -
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16:10 SYD08:25 IST24Hrs, 15m 1 Stop (SIN)
SYDSydney Kingsford Smith Airport 16:10 - IST 08:25 24h 15m 1 Stop (SIN) Singapura
SYDSydney Kingsford Smith Airport 16:10SINCingapura 01:50
SINCingapura 21:20ISTIstambul 08:25
- 24h 15m (4h 30m)
- 1 Stop SIN · Singapura 4h 30m
Singapore Airlines (SQ 222)Airbus Industrie A380 800 Singapore Airlines (SQ 392)Airbus A359 -
Singapore Airlines (SQ 222) -
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19:10 SYD11:45 IST24Hrs, 35m 1 Stop (SIN)
SYDSydney Kingsford Smith Airport 19:10 - IST 11:45 24h 35m 1 Stop (SIN) Singapura
SYDSydney Kingsford Smith Airport 19:10SINCingapura 05:05
SINCingapura 00:20ISTIstambul 11:45
- 24h 35m (4h 45m)
- 1 Stop SIN · Singapura 4h 45m
Singapore Airlines (SQ 242)Airbus A359 Turkish Airlines (TK 169)Airbus A359 -
Singapore Airlines (SQ 242) -
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19:10 SYD08:25 IST21Hrs, 15m 1 Stop (SIN)
SYDSydney Kingsford Smith Airport 19:10 - IST 08:25 21h 15m 1 Stop (SIN) Singapura
SYDSydney Kingsford Smith Airport 19:10SINCingapura 01:50
SINCingapura 00:20ISTIstambul 08:25
- 21h 15m (1h 30m)
- 1 Stop SIN · Singapura 1h 30m
Singapore Airlines (SQ 242)Airbus A359 Singapore Airlines (SQ 392)Airbus A359 -
Singapore Airlines (SQ 242) -
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08:10 DOH20:30 BNE24Hrs, 40m 1 Stop (SAW)
DOHHamad International Airport 08:10 - BNE 20:30 24h 40m 1 Stop (SAW) Istambul
DOHHamad International Airport 08:10SYDSydney Kingsford Smith Airport 20:00
SAWIstanbul Sabiha 12:40BNEBrisbane Airport 20:30
- 24h 40m (3h 50m)
- 1 Stop SAW · Istambul 3h 50m
Qatar Airways (QR 241)Airbus virgin australia (VA 989)Boeing 737 800 -
Qatar Airways (QR 241) -
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08:05 DOH21:35 MEL24Hrs, 35m 1 Stop (SAW)
DOHHamad International Airport 08:05 - MEL 21:35 24h 35m 1 Stop (SAW) Istambul
DOHHamad International Airport 08:05SYDSydney Kingsford Smith Airport 20:00
SAWIstanbul Sabiha 12:35MELTullamarine e outros aeroportos 21:35
- 24h 35m (4h 10m)
- 1 Stop SAW · Istambul 4h 10m
Qatar Airways (QR 241)Airbus virgin australia (VA 888)Boeing 737 800 -
Qatar Airways (QR 241) -
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07:55 DOH20:30 BNE24Hrs, 25m 1 Stop (SAW)
DOHHamad International Airport 07:55 - BNE 20:30 24h 25m 1 Stop (SAW) Istambul
DOHHamad International Airport 07:55SYDSydney Kingsford Smith Airport 20:00
SAWIstanbul Sabiha 12:25BNEBrisbane Airport 20:30
- 24h 25m (3h 35m)
- 1 Stop SAW · Istambul 3h 35m
Qatar Airways (QR 241)Airbus virgin australia (VA 989)Boeing 737 800 -
Qatar Airways (QR 241) -
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07:55 DOH20:30 BNE24Hrs, 20m 1 Stop (IST)
DOHHamad International Airport 07:55 - BNE 20:30 24h 20m 1 Stop (IST) Istambul
DOHHamad International Airport 07:55SYDSydney Kingsford Smith Airport 20:00
ISTIstambul 12:20BNEBrisbane Airport 20:30
- 24h 20m (3h 35m)
- 1 Stop IST · Istambul 3h 35m
Qatar Airways (QR 239)Boeing 777 300 Er virgin australia (VA 989)Boeing 737 800 -
Qatar Airways (QR 239) -
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21:10 SYD16:15 SAW27Hrs, 05m 1 Stop (DXB)
SYDSydney Kingsford Smith Airport 21:10 - SAW 16:15 27h 05m 1 Stop (DXB) Dubai
SYDSydney Kingsford Smith Airport 21:10DXBDubai International Airport 12:10
DXBDubai International Airport 04:30SAWIstanbul Sabiha 16:15
- 27h 05m (7h 40m)
- 1 Stop DXB · Dubai 7h 40m
Emirates (EK 417)Airbus Industrie A380 800 flydubai (FZ 753)Boeing 737 800 -
Emirates (EK 417) -
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21:10 SYD14:25 IST25Hrs, 15m 1 Stop (DXB)
SYDSydney Kingsford Smith Airport 21:10 - IST 14:25 25h 15m 1 Stop (DXB) Dubai
SYDSydney Kingsford Smith Airport 21:10DXBDubai International Airport 10:15
DXBDubai International Airport 04:30ISTIstambul 14:25
- 25h 15m (5h 45m)
- 1 Stop DXB · Dubai 5h 45m
Emirates (EK 417)Airbus Industrie A380 800 Emirates (EK 123)Airbus Industrie A380 800 -
Emirates (EK 417) -
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21:10 SYD15:55 SAW26Hrs, 45m 1 Stop (DXB)
SYDSydney Kingsford Smith Airport 21:10 - SAW 15:55 26h 45m 1 Stop (DXB) Dubai
SYDSydney Kingsford Smith Airport 21:10DXBDubai International Airport 11:55
DXBDubai International Airport 04:30SAWIstanbul Sabiha 15:55
- 26h 45m (7h 25m)
- 1 Stop DXB · Dubai 7h 25m
Emirates (EK 417)Airbus Industrie A380 800 flydubai (FZ 753)Boeing 737 800 -
Emirates (EK 417) -
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21:30 SYD12:10 IST22Hrs, 40m 1 Stop (AUH)
SYDSydney Kingsford Smith Airport 21:30 - IST 12:10 22h 40m 1 Stop (AUH) Abu Dhabi
SYDSydney Kingsford Smith Airport 21:30AUHAbu Dhabi Zayed International Airport 07:55
AUHAbu Dhabi Zayed International Airport 05:00ISTIstambul 12:10
- 22h 40m (2h 55m)
- 1 Stop AUH · Abu Dhabi 2h 55m
Etihad Airways (EY 455)Boeing 777 300 Er Turkish Airlines (TK 867)Airbus A321 Neo -
Etihad Airways (EY 455) -
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21:40 SYD12:20 IST22Hrs, 40m 1 Stop (DOH)
SYDSydney Kingsford Smith Airport 21:40 - IST 12:20 22h 40m 1 Stop (DOH) Doha
SYDSydney Kingsford Smith Airport 21:40DOHHamad International Airport 07:55
DOHHamad International Airport 04:50ISTIstambul 12:20
- 22h 40m (3h 05m)
- 1 Stop DOH · Doha 3h 05m
Qatar Airways (QR 909)Airbus Industrie A380 800 Qatar Airways (QR 239)Boeing 777 300 Er -
Qatar Airways (QR 909) -
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21:40 SYD12:25 SAW22Hrs, 45m 1 Stop (DOH)
SYDSydney Kingsford Smith Airport 21:40 - SAW 12:25 22h 45m 1 Stop (DOH) Doha
SYDSydney Kingsford Smith Airport 21:40DOHHamad International Airport 07:55
DOHHamad International Airport 04:50SAWIstanbul Sabiha 12:25
- 22h 45m (3h 05m)
- 1 Stop DOH · Doha 3h 05m
Qatar Airways (QR 909)Airbus Industrie A380 800 Qatar Airways (QR 241)Airbus -
Qatar Airways (QR 909) -
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21:40 SYD12:35 SAW22Hrs, 55m 1 Stop (DOH)
SYDSydney Kingsford Smith Airport 21:40 - SAW 12:35 22h 55m 1 Stop (DOH) Doha
SYDSydney Kingsford Smith Airport 21:40DOHHamad International Airport 08:05
DOHHamad International Airport 04:50SAWIstanbul Sabiha 12:35
- 22h 55m (3h 15m)
- 1 Stop DOH · Doha 3h 15m
Qatar Airways (QR 909)Airbus Industrie A380 800 Qatar Airways (QR 241)Airbus -
Qatar Airways (QR 909) -
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21:40 SYD12:40 SAW23Hrs, 00m 1 Stop (DOH)
SYDSydney Kingsford Smith Airport 21:40 - SAW 12:40 23h 1 Stop (DOH) Doha
SYDSydney Kingsford Smith Airport 21:40DOHHamad International Airport 08:10
DOHHamad International Airport 04:50SAWIstanbul Sabiha 12:40
- 23h (3h 20m)
- 1 Stop DOH · Doha 3h 20m
Qatar Airways (QR 909)Airbus Industrie A380 800 Qatar Airways (QR 241)Airbus -
Qatar Airways (QR 909) -
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21:45 SYD15:55 SAW26Hrs, 10m 1 Stop (DXB)
SYDSydney Kingsford Smith Airport 21:45 - SAW 15:55 26h 10m 1 Stop (DXB) Dubai
SYDSydney Kingsford Smith Airport 21:45DXBDubai International Airport 11:55
DXBDubai International Airport 05:15SAWIstanbul Sabiha 15:55
- 26h 10m (6h 40m)
- 1 Stop DXB · Dubai 6h 40m
Emirates (EK 413)Airbus Industrie A380 800 flydubai (FZ 753)Boeing 737 800 -
Emirates (EK 413) -
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21:45 SYD16:15 SAW26Hrs, 30m 1 Stop (DXB)
SYDSydney Kingsford Smith Airport 21:45 - SAW 16:15 26h 30m 1 Stop (DXB) Dubai
SYDSydney Kingsford Smith Airport 21:45DXBDubai International Airport 12:10
DXBDubai International Airport 05:15SAWIstanbul Sabiha 16:15
- 26h 30m (6h 55m)
- 1 Stop DXB · Dubai 6h 55m
Emirates (EK 413)Airbus Industrie A380 800 flydubai (FZ 753)Boeing 737 800 -
Emirates (EK 413) -
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21:45 SYD17:35 IST27Hrs, 50m 1 Stop (DXB)
SYDSydney Kingsford Smith Airport 21:45 - IST 17:35 27h 50m 1 Stop (DXB) Dubai
SYDSydney Kingsford Smith Airport 21:45DXBDubai International Airport 13:30
DXBDubai International Airport 05:15ISTIstambul 17:35
- 27h 50m (8h 15m)
- 1 Stop DXB · Dubai 8h 15m
Emirates (EK 413)Airbus Industrie A380 800 flydubai (FZ 727)Boeing 737 800 -
Emirates (EK 413) -
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21:45 SYD14:25 IST24Hrs, 40m 1 Stop (DXB)
SYDSydney Kingsford Smith Airport 21:45 - IST 14:25 24h 40m 1 Stop (DXB) Dubai
SYDSydney Kingsford Smith Airport 21:45DXBDubai International Airport 10:15
DXBDubai International Airport 05:15ISTIstambul 14:25
- 24h 40m (5h)
- 1 Stop DXB · Dubai 5h
Emirates (EK 413)Airbus Industrie A380 800 Emirates (EK 123)Airbus Industrie A380 800 -
Emirates (EK 413) -
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22:15 SYD16:30 IST26Hrs, 15m 1 Stop (KUL)
SYDSydney Kingsford Smith Airport 22:15 - IST 16:30 26h 15m 1 Stop (KUL) Kuala Lumpur
SYDSydney Kingsford Smith Airport 22:15KULKuala Lumpur International Airport 10:00
KULKuala Lumpur International Airport 03:50ISTIstambul 16:30
- 26h 15m (6h 10m)
- 1 Stop KUL · Kuala Lumpur 6h 10m
Malaysia Airlines (MH 140)Airbus Industrie 330 300 Turkish Airlines (TK 63)Airbus A359 -
Malaysia Airlines (MH 140) -
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06:00 SYD21:55 IST23Hrs, 55m 1 Stop (DXB)
SYDSydney Kingsford Smith Airport 06:00 - IST 21:55 23h 55m 1 Stop (DXB) Dubai
SYDSydney Kingsford Smith Airport 06:00DXBDubai International Airport 17:45
DXBDubai International Airport 13:20ISTIstambul 21:55
- 23h 55m (4h 25m)
- 1 Stop DXB · Dubai 4h 25m
Emirates (EK 415)Airbus Industrie A380 800 Emirates (EK 117)Boeing 777 300 Er -
Emirates (EK 415) -
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Sem Horários
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Qual é a distância entre Istambul e Sidney?
A distância de voo entre Sidney e Istambul é 14948km. Veja todos os voos disponíveis no Wego.
Qual é o primeiro e último voo do dia?
O primeiro voo do dia parte às 06:00. O último voo do dia parte às 11:10. Veja a lista completa de horários de voos no Wego.
Todos os aeroportos de Sidney
Destinos populares De Istambul
Destinos populares De Sidney
Hotéis populares em Istambul
- Mandarin Oriental Bosphorus, Istanbul
- Four Seasons Hotel Istanbul at the Bosphorus
- Raffles Istanbul
- Ciragan Palace Kempinski
- The St. Regis Istanbul
- The Ritz-Carlton, Istanbul
- Hilton Istanbul Bomonti Hotel & Conference Center
- Address Istanbul
- InterContinental Hotels ISTAMBUL
- CVK Park Bosphorus Hotel Istanbul